Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 was a great success. As promised my husband parked his truck for a week and helped me get ready for the big day. He even did most of the cooking(no surprise to those of you who know about my love for cooking). For the first time in a very long time I had all 4 of my kids at home. We also got to have Pete's daughter Natalie Jo spend the day with us. Later in the day His other daughter Kacee and her husband Zack and their cute baby girl came for a visit. It was a great day. On Friday we went to Preston as we always do for the Big Preston lighted parade. It was short but fun. We also celebrated Pete's birthday on the Wednesday before and our 6 month wedding annivesary on Sunday. We decided we got a late start on this marriage so instead of having an anniversary every year, we will celebrate every 6 months. This Year I really felt like I had a lot to be thankful for. Most of all I am so thankful for my family and friends without them life wouldn't be the same. They are the ones who make this journey worthwhile.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In honor of moms

When my aunt died last week it really made me stop and think about a lot of things. We have one day a year when we honor the one person who probably has the greatest influence in our lives. As I talked to my cousin at the cemetery she was having a very hard time with her mom's death and it made me wonder, what do you do when your mom dies? She is always there for you, no matter what. Sometimes I don't even have to talk to her , but just knowing that I can, comforts me. So I think that we need to honor these great women all day every day. Although I don't believe that when a person passes from this life we will never see them or talk to them again, I like knowing that my mom is there. My mom has taught me so many life lessons, and when I was determined to learn things on my own she never once said I told you so. I love that woman. She could have and probably should have said something like I told you so, maybe even, you pinhead. But she never said anything except how can I help you now. So in honor of moms all over, but especially my own great mom thanks for all you do not just that one day a year but everyday. You are the greatest!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Life Starts Over Again

The last 4 years of my life have been crazy. Lots of good times, bad times, smiles, tears, births, deaths, friends, no enemies(he he), ups, and downs. My daughter Amy told me this would be a good place to do my journal, so if these things get too boring you don't have to read them. When my husband of 14 years died suddenly 4 years ago I really didn't think that I would be able to go on, but through the strength of my family(special thanks to my great kids, Josie, Amy, Matt and Lacy) and friends and lots of prayers I made it. I was able to pick myself up and keep going. A year and a half later I decided I was ready to start dating again and I met a really nice guy from Nibley. After two years of dating we decided to get married and on May 31, 2008 I married my very best friend in the world. I feel like I have been given another chance to start over again. I not only gained a husband, but a much bigger family, and a step-dog. The thing that's so great about it all, is it seems like it was meant to be right from the start. That's not to say that I haven't had moments when I've thought, what the heck am I doing, but they pass quickly and I thank God everyday for the blessings he has brought into my life. Every one of them including the times he has tested me to what I thought was beyond what I could bear. The hardest times have brought forth the biggest blessings. I am a much stronger person, and I think a better person. I have gained valuable knowledge that I would have otherwise missed out on. Best of all I have learned to value family above everything and I do. My family is my greatest treasure, and my husband is that special shining gem that brings love and goodness into my life. I love him with all of my heart and think that I am the luckiest woman in the world.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My first adventure into the world of blogging.

Everyone I know has a blog so I was feeling left out. My 15 year old daughter said blogging is like MySpace for old people who aren't looking for a date. So now I will blog. I don't have enough to do with my spare time so this will help keep me busy.